Notices of Instruction 2003

December 2003Attachments
Eldercare Locator Service (Notice#: 120903-1-I-OVCS)
November 2003Attachments
Notice of Transmittal: FL Senate 2003-04 Interim Work Program Report (Notice#: 110503-1-T-OS)

Notice of Transmittal: Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (Notice#: 111303-1-T-OVCS)

LIHEAP Awareness Campaign (Notice#: 111303-2-I-SWCBS)

Surplus/Deficit Report for SFY 2003-2004 (Notice#: 111403-1-I-SWCBS)

October 2003Attachments
Sunshine for Seniors Work Plan and Budget (Notice#: 100103-1-I-OVCS)

Notice of Transmittal: Telehealth Program (Notice#: 100203-1-T-OVCS)

Notice of Transmittal: National Family Caregivers Month (Notice#: 100203-2-T-SWCBS)

APS FY 2003 Referrals (Notice#: 100703-1-I-SWCBS)

Regional Consultation Workshops (Notice#: 100803-1-I-OVCS)

2003 Best Practices Exchange (Notice#: 101303-1-I-OVCS)

2003-04 Nutrition Services Incentive Program Co (Notice#: 091903-1-I-SWCBS)

Notice of Transmittal: New Elder Update Editor (Notice#: 101603-1-T-OC)

Older Americans Act Agreement Draft for 2004 (Notice#: 101603-1-I-CFM)

FFY 2004 Area Plan Update Requirements (Notice#: 101603-2-I-PE)

Use of Department Logo (Notice#: 102103-1-I-OC)

Revised Assisted Living for the Elderly Waiver (Notice#: 102403-2-I-SWCBS)

Imminent Risk Referrals (Notice#: 102403-1-I-PE)

Notice of Transmittal: MyFloridaMarketPlace-Vendor Registration (Notice#: 103003-1-T-CFM)


September 2003Attachments
Florida’s Alzheimer’s Center & Research Institute (Notice#: 092403-1-T-OVCS)

APS Exception Reports (Notice#: 092503-1-T-SWCBS)

Medicaid Waiver Reports (Notice#: 092503-2-T-SWCBS)

August 2003Attachments
LAN Administrator Training/Workshop (Notice#: 080103-1-I-MIS)

Revised CCE Prioritization Requirements (Notice#: 080703-1-I-OVCS)

Surplus/(Deficit) Report for SFY 2003-2004 (Notice#: 080703-2-I-OFCM)

Information Systems CIRTS Updates (Notice#: 080803-1-I-MIS)

LSP Allocation and Administrative Allowance (Notice#: 082003-2-T-SWCBS)

Medicaid Waiver Expected Encumbered Reports (Notice#: 082903-1-I-SWCBS)

Care Plan Review Procedures (Notice#: 082903-2-I-SWCBS)

July 2003Attachments
Intergenerational Connections Rollout (Notice#: 070103-1-T-OVCS)

Pseudo ID Numbers (Notice#: 070903-1-P-SWCBS)

FFY 2003 Older Americans Act Transfer of Funds Between Titles (Notice#: 071403-1-I-CFM)

Request for 2004 Legislative Proposals (Notice#: 072203-1-I-LA)

Elder Helpline Promotions (Notice#: 072903-1-I-OVCS)

June 2003Attachments
Information Systems Updates and New Reporting Environment available for 2004 (Notice#: 060603-1-I-MIS)

Co-Pay Projections for 2003-2004 (Notice#: 060903-1-I-SWCBS)

Announcing an Administration on Aging funded “Communicating Effectively with Healthcare Professionals” Training Conference (Notice#: 061003-1-T-SWCBS)

Maximization of Local Funding Opportunities (Notice#: 061203-1-I-SWCBS)

Application for Federal Assistance (Notice#: 061703-1-I-SWCBS)

Medicaid Waiver Exception Reports (Notice#: 062003-1-I-SWCBS)

Required On-Site Assessments  (Notice#: 062303-1-I-SWCBS)

Medicaid Waiver Conference Calls  (Notice#: 062303-2-T-SWCBS)

Training for: AAA Fiscal Officers, Lead Agencies, Provider Agencies And Medicaid Waiver Specialists (Notice#: 062503-1-I-CFM)

May 2003Attachments
Information and Assistance Satisfaction Survey   (Notice#: 051303-1-T-SWCBS)

Preliminary Information for the FFY 2004 Area Plan Requirements (Notice#: 051603-1-I-PE)

Request for Information on Elderly Substance Abuse Programs In Your Area   (Notice#: 052103-1-I-OVCS)

April 2003Attachments
2003 Golden Choices Volunteer Awards (Notice#: 040103-1-I-OVCS)

Use of Co-payments in Community Care for the Elderly (Notice#: 040803-1-I-OS)

Disaster Preparedness (Notice#: 040903-1-I-CFM)

HIPAA Computer Access Issues (Notice#: 041103-2-PC-MIS

HIPAA Requirements (Notice#: 041103-1-I-CFM)

Continuity of Operations Plan (Notice#: 041503-1-I-CFM)

Grants Available for Dementia Day Program (Notice#: 041603-1-T-SWCBS)

2003 Older Americans Act Allocation and 2001 & 2002 Older Americans Act Carry Forward (Notice#: 041603-2-T-SWCBS)

Florida State Plan on Aging, Revised December 2002 (Notice#: 041703-1-T-PE)

AAA Submission of Monthly Invoices (Notice#: 041803-1-I-SWCBS)

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Update (Notice#: 042203-1-T-OC)

DCF and DOEA Joint Meeting (Notice#: 042803-1-I-SWCBS)

March 2003Attachments
2003-2004 Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) Information (Notice#: 031003-1-I-SWCBS)

Disaster Preparedness (Notice#: 032403-1-I-DP)

SHINE Awards for 2003/2004 (Notice#: 032703-1-I-OVCS)

Information and Assistance Satisfaction Survey (Notice#: 032703-2-I-OVCS)

Unit Cost Methodology Spreadsheets and Instructions (Notice#: 032803-1-I-AS)

February 2003Attachments
2002-2003 EHEAP Contract;  2003-2004 EHEAP Contract (Notice#: 020303-1-I-SWCBS)

February 2003 Monitoring (Notice#: 021303-1-I-SWCBS)

(Revised)2002-2003 EHEAP Contract; 2003-2004 EHEAP Contract (Notice#: 021703-1-I-SWCBS)

February 2003 Monitoring (Notice#: 022003-1-I-SWCBS)

APS Exception Reports (Notice#: 022403-1-I-SWCBS)

Nurse Registries (Notice#: 022403-2-I-SWCBS)

January 2003Attachments
Notice of Termination, Suspension or Reduction in Services (Notice#: 010303-1-I-SWCBS)

Medicaid Waiver Spending Authority (Notice#: 010603-1-PC-SWCBS)

AOA National Family Caregiver Support Program Survey (Notice#: 010903-1-I-SWCBS)

Information about Regional Meetings for Shrimpers (Notice#: 011503-1-I-SWCBS)

Proposed Policy Change – Care Plan Review Protocol for Aged and Disabled Adults (ADA) Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver Services (Notice#: 011603-1-I-SWCBS)

Older American’s Act Report Instructions (Notice#: 011603-2-I-SWCBS)

Announcing an Administration on Aging funded “Communicating Effectively with Healthcare Professionals” Training Conference (Notice#: 012803-1-T-SWCBS)

Training for AAA (Notice#: 013103-1-I-CFM)