Frequently Asked Questions Specific to Web Portal

The purpose of the Portal is to provide Area on Agencies on Aging, Aging Resource Centers, Lead Agencies, Services Providers, and Diversion Providers that contract directly or indirectly with the Department with the ability to independently view and print the results for all screenings completed. 

You will be able to view and print screening details (results) twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. 

You will be able to search for screening results for prospective candidate screened by other providers.  

After registering for the Portal, please take some time to familiarize yourself with the Portal User Guide. You will find the Guide posted on the Portal Home Page.

You must have already been added to the DOEA – Provider List before you may register for the Portal. The Provider List will create a unique number for your entity that is specific to only the Department of Elder Affairs. To register for the Portal, you must log into the Clearinghouse, Request Program Access to the Department of Elder Affairs and follow the prompts. 

*If you have not, yet, been added to the DOEA – Provider List and given a number, please click on the link titled Contact Us and provide us with descriptive and contact information for your program and the Area on Agencies on Aging or Lead Agency that you are contracted with. A template will be sent to you to complete and return to the

Yes. Multiple employees, of the same provider, can register for the Portal. Each employee is required to provide the same information to request Portal access (Provider number, first and last name and business email address).

Each user must create their individual account. 

The Background Screening Unit can assist you with your log-on Id name, however, you are required to manage your own password.

Usernames and passwords CANNOT be shared with other users.

Passwords must be 8 – 20 characters in length and must contain at least 1 letter and one number and one special character of your choice, such as the following: #, @ % ~ ? : !

It is only necessary to register once. There is no need to repeat your registration, for any reason. 

If you have not used the Portal in a long time you will be required to reset your password.

If you forget your password, stop after the second failed attempt and click the field titled Forgot Password? You will be asked to enter your username (last name-first name) and answer a security question that you chose when initially registering for the Portal. It is important that you write down the answers to your security questions to ensure you have the correct answers to permit you to independently reset your password. Three failed password attempts will require you to contact the help line in order to reset your password.

There are two actions you can take to locate missing screening results.

Background Screening Provider Search
The Background Screening Provider Search permits you to search for a candidate who has been fingerprinted by another provider or find screening results that do not display under your provider account. To determine if your missing results, follow Background Screening Provider Search instructions (User Guide, pages 6 and 7) to search for your missing screening results. After entering the four (4) applicant identifiers (first and last name and date of birth and Social Security number). click on the Search button. Click on the candidate’s name, highlighted in blue, and the Candidate Screening Detail will appear. 

Contact the Background Screening Help line at 850-414-2093
If your Background Screening Provider Search (above) fails to produce any results for a Candidate screened within the past 90 days, contact the Background Screening Unit for assistance.

A Portal user may look up a screening result for anyone printed within the past 90 days. To do so, follow the same instructions, above, to search for an applicant through the Background Screening Provider Search. As explained, above, you will need to enter the four (4) Candidate identifiers (first and last name and date of birth and Social Security number). However, you will not be able to receive the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Criminal History Public Record.

You may be able to use the letter of a cleared applicant, screened by another program, if the applicant met Level 2 screening standards for your program and there has not been a 90 day break in service (employment). It is recommended that prospective employers clarify the acceptance of a clearance, completed by another program, with the appropriate specified agency.

No. Information regarding a candidate’s granted exemption will never appear on the Portal. However, the candidate’s profile page will state Eligible under Determination with a date of the change. The Clearinghouse will generate an email to the Contact person notifying them of a change within the system for the individual.

When a candidate’s fingerprints cannot be read by the FBI, the print results are classified as rejected. A second set of prints is required by the FBI. The entity (provider) needs to print the rejection letter from the Portal. The candidate must take the rejection letter to the same livescan vendor who will reprint the candidate. The rejection letter contains important information, including a unique code number that is needed in order to avoid additional payment for the reprinting. If the second set of prints, also, results in rejection, then the department is required to submit an candidate name search to the FBI. This is the responsibility of the specified agency, not the entity (provider). The FBI routinely requires 30 to 45 days to complete a name search. When the department receives the FBI’s completed name check results, then the eligibility determination will be posted on the Portal, by the department, for retrieval by the provider.