Nutrition Programs

Over 80,000 older Floridians benefit annually from community nutrition service programs, which leverage over $52 million in federal funding with money from local senior services levies, donations, and volunteers. Most nutrition providers are private, non-profit agencies that serve meals at senior centers and other community locations.


Nutrition program services are available to all Floridians age 60 or older in each of Florida’s 67 counties. However, availability may vary locally and priority is given to frail, homebound, or isolated older adults.

Nutrition program services offer more than a just a meal. Skilled nutritionists and other professionals in the aging network also provide nutrition education, counseling, and risk screening. Contact your Aging and Disability Resource Center for information on meals and nutrition programs in your area.

Nutrition program services include:

Click on the links provided on the left to learn more about the Department’s nutrition programs.

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