Florida statute requires that all individuals who wish to provide ADRD training for new hires obtain approval through the Department of Elder Affairs, AND any material used for training be evaluated and approved for each type of care setting.  At this time, trainer approvals do not expire.  Curriculum approvals are valid for three years from their approval date. Any curriculum approved prior to July 1, 2023, is valid until its original expiration date.


Submit training provider application for:

Adult Day CareAssisted Living FacilityHome HealthHospiceNursing Home

Review the qualifications and required documentation needed for each care setting here.


Submit curriculum application.

 Review the content requirements for each level of training:
Adult Day CareAssisted Living FacilityHome HealthHospiceNursing HomeSpecialized Adult Day Care


Your application will be reviewed by trained personnel, and once a determination is made regarding the status of your application, one of the following notices will be emailed to you:

  • Letter of Approval: provides an approval number and details your accountability. Training provider approvals do not expire, and curriculum approvals expire three years from their approval date.
  • More Information Needed: indicates that your application needs more information or requires corrections. To complete your application, you need only send the requested documentation. Your response must be emailed to ADRDtraining@elderaffairs.orgPlease, DO NOT submit a second application.
  • Incomplete: indicates that your application is missing one or more pieces of required documentation. You must email the missing documentation to If this is not received within 30 days of notice, then your application will be disapproved.
  • Notice to Re-apply: indicates that your application did not meet the necessary criteria or you did not provide the required documentation. Your application will be disapproved, and you must submit a new application.


    • A copy of the trainer’s approval letter must be provided to any agency for which ADRD training is provided, along with a copy of the curriculum approval letter. If the approved curriculum of another developer is being used, the trainer must obtain and supply a copy of the approval letter for that curriculum.
    • Trainers must provide all training participants with a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate of Completion must include the title of the training program, number of hours, approval number and expiration date, trainee’s name, date of participation, and location of the training program, and the training provider’s dated signature and applicable credentials.
    • It is your responsibility to ensure that no copyright laws have been violated if material from another source is used as part of your curriculum. In addition, proper citations should be used throughout as applicable.

    Please note the above online applications are written in accordance with the DOEA forms incorporated by reference in their associated rules. To access a paper copy of these application forms you may click here.