December 2010 | Attachments |
Aging Out Clientele (Notice#: 122810-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum New OAA Title IIIE Assessment Type and CIRTS Reporting Requirements (Notice#: 122310-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum New Services for the Department of Elder Affairs Programs and Services Handbook (Chapter 4) (Notice#: 121510-1-I-CFAL) Memorandum | |
November 2010 | Attachments |
Tracking Medicaid Waiver Eligibility in CIRTS (Notice#: 113010-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum NAPIS Reporting FFY 2010 (Notice#: 111210-1-I-PE) Memorandum Notice of Correction: CIRTS Data Entry for the Evidence-Based Programs (Notice#: 110310-1-I-CFAL) Memorandum | |
October 2010 | Attachments |
Background Screening (Notice#: 102610-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum Notice of Transmittal: Case Record and Case Narrative Training (Notice#: 101410-1-T-SWCBS) Memorandum Use of Restaurants as Congregate Meal Sites (Notice#: 100810-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum Revised SPR Format and Definitions for FFY 2011 (Notice#: 100510-1-I-PE) Memorandum Revisions to 2010 Program and Services Handbook (Notice#: 100410-2-I-SWCBS) Memorandum Notice of Clarification: 2010-2011 Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) Information (Notice#: 100410-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum |
September 2010 | Attachments |
Aging Out Clientele (Notice#: 092810-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum Farmers’ Market Consumer Survey (Notice#: 092710-1-I-PE) Memorandum Notice of Clarification: FFY 2011 Area Plan Update Requirements (Notice#: 092310-1-I-PE) Memorandum 2010-2011 Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) Information (Notice#: 091710-1-I-SWCBS) FFY 2011 Area Plan Update Requirements (Notice#: 090710-1-I-PE) Memorandum |
August 2010 | Attachments |
Uniform Client Assessment Training (Notice#: 081710-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum Notice of Clarification: Background Screening (Notice#: 081310-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum 2010 OAA Allocation and Population Data (Notice#: 071610-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum | |
July 2010 | Attachments |
2010 OAA Allocation and Population Data (Notice#: 071610-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum | |
June 2010 | Attachments |
Aging Out Clientele (Notice#: 062210-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum FFY 2010 Older Americans Act Transfer of Funds Between Titles (Notice#: 061010-1-I-OCFM) Memorandum Background Screening (Notice#: 060910-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum | |
May 2010 | Attachments |
Notice#: 041710-1-I-IE: OAA Title IIIB Legal Services Delivery Standards (Notice#: 051710-1-I-IE) Memorandum | |
April 2010 | Attachments |
OAA Title IIIB Legal Services Delivery Standards (Notice#: 042710-1-I-IE) SHINE Program Evaluation Scheduled (Notice#: 042610-1-I-SHINE) Memorandum Client Satisfaction Survey Scheduled (Notice#: 040910-1-I-PE) Memorandum | |
March 2010 | Attachments |
Aging Out Clientele (Notice#: 032610-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum Over-the-Phone Interpretation Services (Notice#: 032410-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum Notice of Transmittal: Florida Elder Needs Index and Low Income Subsidy (LIS) Targeting Maps (Notice#: 030910-1-T-PE) Memorandum Clarification to NOI#: 100506-1-I-OVCS, Nutrition Program Requirements (Notice#: 030810-1-I-SWCBS) Memorandum | |
February 2010 | Attachments |
2009 Farmers’ Market Survey (Notice#: 022610-1-I-PE) Memorandum | |
January 2010 | Attachments |
2010 Golden Choices Volunteer Awards (Notice#: 012010-1-I-CFAL) Memorandum Notice of Clarification (Notice#: 011510-1-I-CFAL): Matter of Balance Training (For those who attended the FCOA pre-conference training) Memorandum |